Wellness Lifestyle
Exercise is key to a balanced life! 30 minutes a day of exercise can reduce stress and boost energy levels. It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise, but your body will thank you. Don't forget to stretch before and after a work out because flexibility helps keep your spine healthy. Using a foam roller gets all those hard to reach muscle relaxed. You work your mind all day, don't let your body feel left out!
Start by finding which activity is best for you! Sitting all day and feeling stiff? Try yoga or pilates Arthritis makes movement difficult? Try swimming or water aerobics Looking to lose weight? Try cardio workouts, such as walking, biking or stairs Athlete wanted to get in shape for next season? Try weight lifting combined with cardio Strained for time? Put a pedal bike under you desk
Heat vs Cold
Wondering whether to use ice or heat on those sore areas? Here are some tips to guide your decision!
Pain following an injury
Joint pain or swelling around moving part of body
After workout soreness
Pain is long term, such as arthritis or constant tension
Muscle spasms causing tightness and pain
Before workout to loosen muscles
If you are unsure, please call or stop in to the clinic, so we can look at your unique condition.
Cryotherapy (ice treatment) and Hydrocollator packs (heat treatment) are available at the clinic to help you get the most out of your chiropractic care.